A downloadable mystery

Archaeologists and researchers working at the ancient ruins in Teotihuacan, MX are acting erratically and being attacked by “strange creatures” at night, leading to many hospital stays and resignations. One of the researchers is highly suspicious of the mysterious new “clay material” they’ve discovered recently and decided to quarantine the rest, despite the lead archaeologist's strange insistence that the rest be opened....

Inspired by real events: Read about the real Sergio Gómez Chávez and Julie Gazzola on Wikipedia!


Created by Chloe "CFlo" Flores, with contributions from Guy Thillet.

For use with Monster of the Week by Michael Sands.

Monster of the Week is copyrighted by Evil Hat Productions, LLC and Generic Games.  

Developed for the Monster of the Week Game Jam - Summer 2024

Hosted by wym_lawson and idrilestone

Find the other games available in the Game Jam bundle on Itch.io

Theme for this Mystery: “Eyes on the Skies”

Photo “From the Pyramid of the Moon” by eu - tirada por mim, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Map “Teotihuacan Layout” by Renê Millon, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


The Mystery of the Feathered Serpent.pdf 1.2 MB

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